Contact Your Local Government

On this 8th of March, encourage women around you to get in touch with your national and local government, with short and simple messages of their choosing, in line with our international campaign and your organization's focus.

A nice idea is to send postcards to authorities or government bodies. For those who do, please take pictures and tag @unitedwomenforwomensrights (on Instagram), @UNWomenRights (on X) or send them to [email protected] 

For those who can’t do that, an email will do too.

Another possibility is to send the messages to the Afghan representatives in your country to make clear that women will not stand for the situation Afghan women are facing.

Examples of messages (every woman can create her own):

Women from around the world stand with our Afghan sisters and we call on our government to take a stand against the oppression they are facing.

Women are human beings and we don’t accept any exploitation of our bodies. Surrogacy is sexual exploitation of women and buying of babies, prostitution is paid rape and both must be abolished.

Women demand the government to adopt the Nordic Model now and decriminalise all those who are prostituted, provide support services to help them exit, and make buying people for sex a criminal offence.

On this 8th of March we demand that men end the war on women and life!

Women have the right to control our own bodies.

A woman knows when it is time to have children, and when it’s not time. Respect women’s bodies and reproductive capabilities.

Make it safe and welcoming for us to be mothers. Don’t force it on us. Don’t rent our bodies for commercial surrogacy. We are human, not incubators.

Pornography eroticizes the domination, humiliation, and coercion of women, and reinforces sexual and cultural attitudes that are complicit in rape and sexual harassment. We call on our government to pass legislation to ban porn that depicts violence against women and girls, and restrict its access from minors.

End “parental alienation” laws, used to separate children from mothers who have tried to protect them from abusive fathers.

A woman is an adult human female. No man can be a woman. We demand our government recognize women’s human rights and keep men out of women’s spaces.

Children deserve time to play and explore their identities. Confused children and teenagers cannot consent to hormones or surgeries and should not be lied to about their sex. Instead, they should be told they are free to be who they are in their bodies and receive psychological care that helps them thrive.

If you want the contact info for your national government to be featured here in this section, please send a physical address and email to [email protected] (specifying who will be the recipient – a specific minister or ministry, the president etc).

If possible, send us the contact information for the Afghan diplomatic mission in your country, if it exists (many have closed down). Please consider there is a current Taliban takeover and some embassies and consulates are still operated by diplomats from the former regime, while others are already under the Taliban. Although we couldn’t find a contact for the Council of the Diplomatic and Consular Missions of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, there are mentions of it on the Embassy in Canada’s website and on the Embassy in Australia’s X account. This council “echoes the call for immediate international action to restore the fundamental rights of Afghan women”.



Presidente Lula Inácio da Silva

Palácio do Planalto, Anexo III, Ala B, sala 204  – Brasília – DF  – CEP: 70150-900

Ministério das Mulheres

Ministra Cida Gonçalves

Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco C, 6° andar, Brasília – DF  –   CEP – 70046-900

Ministério dos Direitos Humanos

Ministra Macaé Evaristo

Esplanada dos Ministérios Bloco A – Térreo – Zona Cívico-Administrativa  –  Brasília – DF  –  CEP: 70054-906

ONU Mulheres Brasil

Ana Carolina Querino

Casa das Nações Unidas no Brasil – Complexo Sergio Vieira de Melo –  SEN Quadra 802 Conjunto C, Lote 17, Bloco B – Prédio Lélia Gonzalez  –  Brasília – DF  –  CEP: 70800-400

Embaixada do Afeganistão em Washington

A Embaixada do Afeganistão em Washington era cumulativamente responsável por representar o país no Brasil, mas foi fechada. Por ser nas Américas, sugerimos que aquelas que desejam enviar mensagens para representantes diplomáticos do Afeganistão contactem a Embaixada no Canadá (ainda sob controle de diplomatas do antigo regime). Eventuais mensagens enviadas para a Embaixada devem ser escritas em inglês.


Afghan Embassy

Ambassador Hassan Soroosh

240 Argyle Avenue

Ottawa, ON K2P 1B9  –  Canada

United States

Find Your Representatives
Here you can find your representatives, how to contact them, bills they’ve introduced, committees they serve on, and political contributions they’ve received.